Creating a Sterling Purse Charm, Part 4 (Final)

Here’s the final purse charm, taken from a design on my computer, printed with a $400 3D printer, cast in silver, and then cleaned up and finished:

The charm installed!

The charm installed!

This, from a design I created:

The purse charm as it is being designed on the computer

The purse charm as it is being designed on the computer

If you want to see the whole process of creating this, you can start at Part 1 and read forward from there.

It’s pretty amazing that on a home computer you can design something and take it all the way to a final form!  There is a real revolution in manufacturing coming with the advent of cheap 3D printers…


Some additional views:

The purse charm + the purse

The purse charm + the purse


The final purse charm by itself

The final purse charm by itself